Inches to Millimeter Conversion

Decimals to use if needed:

  • 1/16" = .0625
  • 1/8" = 0.125
  • 1/4" = 0.25
  • 5/16" = 0.3125
  • 3/8" = 0.375
  • 7/16" = 0.4375
  • 1/2" = 0.50
  • 9/16" = 0.5625
  • 5/8" = 0.625
  • 3/4" = 0.75
  • 13/16" = 0.8125
  • 7/8" = 0.875
  • 15/16" = 0.9375

Inches to MM

Type a value in the Inches field to convert the value to MM: