Contact Us

Call or Text Us with tuning/ordering questions at 5-MARK8-0755 or 972-914-9524

We do not allow local pickup of sold products due to this being a HOBBY and not a day job. Plus we really don't want random folks coming to our houses. Sorry..laugh

If you need our shipping address, use the form below. We are based out of the Far North Texas area. All tuning and shipping will be arranged and done during breaks from our day jobs. This is done quite well and efficient, but rest assured we are NOT sitting in our underwear behind a computer screen looking at car stuff or social media all day. In fact, we ABSOLUTELY HATE social media (ironic as we do have a Facebook Page).. Now that we've gotten that clear.... WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU!

Best bet is to text or email us below with the form. Please allow 24 hours for a response via email. Text is pretty quick..

This IS NOT the page to contact The Tuning Registry's Webmaster on. He doesn't know tuning, and the tuners don't know webmastering or whatever it's called. To contact the master of webbing, or the webmaster dude, go here.

Remote Tuning Requests use:

  • You must have TeamViewer installed
  • You must provide your Use Key or order number in the email
  • You must provide a telephone number
  • Provide the time you are requesting -- Remote Sessions available Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 2pm CST

If you are requesting a Remote Tune session, use the "Tuning Inquiries" Department selection below. You MUST include the time slot in 1 hour increments. Example-- "I would like 12pm on this day." **We need your TeamViewer ID and Password included in the email as well.**

Please provide your phone number so we can call if needed.

Document and Diagram Requests:

In order to keep this from being troublesome, please be as clear as possible on what you need us to send. Depending on the amount of docs or diagrams needed, will determine the time it takes to get it for you.

Please enter a valid email address.
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Please enter a valid telephone number.