©2018-2025 The Lincoln Mark VIII Tuning Registry - Content Managed By Level 304 Media / GeLBie Productions Partnership - All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: By using this site you agree to our Privacy Policy and understand we hold no liability if you utilize our tech section or tuning software and break your car. NEVER tune a car with mechanical problems expecting it to work properly! That will only cause more problems than you need. FIX YOUR MECHANICAL PROBLEMS FIRST! Every vehicle reacts differently to tuning, and no two vehicles are alike in any way. See our Terms & Conditions for all purchasing details about using our storefront and portal.
We do not sell or advertise products or tuning files that defeat vehicle emissions components. We do not encourage you to pollute the air we breathe. If you use software that has emission deleting functions, we reserve the right to decline the sale of our tuning files, products and services all together. Some regional restrictions are in place and completely enforced for certain products or services.
This website is built and managed by fellow Lincoln Mark VIII Enthusiasts from money out of their own pockets.
Feel free to help them out by making a purchase to allow them to add more stuff for you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)